Sunday, September 05, 2010

Venice Film Festival 2010: Notes on "Potiche"

Directed by François Ozon
Starring: Catherine Deneuve, Gérard Depardieu, Fabrice Luchini, Jérémie Renier
Grade: B+

It's hard to believe that François Ozon's "8 Women" was released as far back as eight years ago, the then-58 year-old Catherine Deneuve its frothy bourgeois star. The repeat adventure of this Director-Actress pairing, "Potiche", taken to mean "trophy", as in "trophy wife", represents Ozon's return to the world of high-camp comedy, chronicling the escapades of high-class housewife Suzanne Pujol and her unfaithful husband.

Even if its unrelenting revelations deem this particular brand of comedy rather throwaway, the consistency of characterisation and the rewarding family dynamic enhance the film's incessant silliness. Deneuve wonderfully adapts to the tone of the picture, her comic delivery and extension of the character a joy to watch.

"Potiche" is a breath of fresh air, packed to the brim with snappy, hilarious dialogue and a refreshingly brisk style. From the quirky, uplifting opening credits it becomes clear that Ozon is going to give us a good time, and judging by the raucous reaction of the audience, I'm fairly certain that he delivered.


Dempsey Sanders said...

Interesting, would like to see this.

Alex Ramon said...

Can't wait!

An Ozon comedy is long overdue.

Calum Reed said...

Totally overdue, yes!

I had no idea it was going to be so funny, but from the opening credits it's clear that the film is silly fun. Not a dull moment.